What I Wore – Chucks Love

In Plus Size Outfits, uncategorized
am 23. Februar 2012
What I Wore – Chucks Love%20-%20https://kathastrophal.de/what-i-wore-chucks-love"> What I Wore – Chucks Love">
Cardigan // Primark Jeggings // H&M Shoes // Converse Tunic // Tchibo
Today called for comfortable clothes and flat shoes… I had a dentist appointment this morning and Sven and I had to run some errands for his birthday party tomorrow. I’m so excited to give him my present – but since he reads my blog, you’ll have to wait a little longer to find out what I got him. I’ve owned these chucks for a really long time. They survived several concerts and festivals and display some of my very favourite lyrics from one of my very favourite bands. I can remember how excited I was when my chucks finally got their first hole – just like the ones of the cool kids. Ahh, good times!
In this spirit: Always love,

10 Kommentare

  • Tia

    I think your chucks are too cute! I did realize when I saw this how rare it is we see you in pants here too! This tunic is far too adorbs.

    23. Februar 2012 um 19:06 Antworten
  • Katrin

    Ich hab heute auch mal wieder meine chucks angehabt, leopardenmuster und mit loch <3 Hach das erinnert an die gute Alte Zeit, was die schon alles mitgemacht haben ^_^

    Süßes Outfit, du stimmst die Farben immer so toll ab!

    23. Februar 2012 um 19:21 Antworten
  • Unapologetically Mundane

    „Survived“ appears to be the right word here.  My Chucks look about the same; funny how the sides of those things just plain give out.

    23. Februar 2012 um 19:29 Antworten
  • Kelsey

    I LOVE my Chucks. I’ve gone through sooooo many pairs of them, it’s ridiculous. I kind of had to stop wearing them when I moved to Seattle because of all the rain; it just isn’t a good idea to wear cloth shoes in a city where it rains 10 months out of the year. Those other 2 months, though, I pretty much live in my Chucks. =D

    23. Februar 2012 um 19:36 Antworten
  • kinderleicht

    Hey, ich „verfolge“ dich nun auch. 🙂
    Segr schönes Outfit, die Farben stehen dir super.
    Und die Tunika hab‘ ich auch. 😉

    23. Februar 2012 um 19:47 Antworten
  • Fubsy Iron

    Sehr süß! Hosen und Chucks stehn dir supergut.

    24. Februar 2012 um 12:05 Antworten
  • Cynthia Pickles

    Unf, Nada Surf! 😀 Tons of Chuck love! x

    24. Februar 2012 um 20:19 Antworten
  • My Favourite Outfits of 2012 {Plus Size Outfit Day} | kathastrophal

    […] Jeans & Chucks || Spring Florals […]

    31. Dezember 2012 um 09:00 Antworten
  • Annalena

    Hey Katha ich glaub ich habe das gleiche Oberteil 😀 hast du das noch? wenn ja, müssen wir einen Tag ausmachen und es dann beide anziehen 🙂 fände ich lustig :-*

    21. April 2013 um 23:41 Antworten
    • Katha Strophe

      Haha ja, das hab ich noch! Dann lass uns das mal machen, klingt lustig! :-*

      21. April 2013 um 23:55 Antworten


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