I bought this Primark blazer only recently in London. I really like it, but I haven’t worn it yet… it’s one of these grown-up clothing items and I’m not sure if I can pull it off.
I wore this H&M skirt some time last summer, but I really need to find a way to wear it in colder weather as well. It’s a little bit see-through and really loud, so I’ll really have to think about what I can pair with it.
Another one from H&M – a simple white dress. I had to wear white blouses all the time at my last job, so I’m really not into wearing white clothes… but I want to incorporate more light colours into my wardrobe & I’m determined to make this work.
Style bloggers: Do you own similar items? Please link me to your outfits wearing them! I’m open for any ideas 🙂 You can also still participate, I’m sure it’s going to be fun to see what everybody wears! And I’m pretty sure most of you have some closet orphans as well…
12 Kommentare
How funny that your skirt and blazer go together perfectly. You must have been secretly thinking of that lonely skirt when you bought the blazer. Very excited to see the bottom of that sheath dress; looks intricate.
22. Februar 2012 um 21:06I was just thinking that she has to has to has to put that blazer and skirt together. :3
23. Februar 2012 um 19:07What a fun project. For the purple sheath dress, just keep it classic and you’ll look smashing. And I can’t wait to see the blazer on you, I bet the color is just perfect for your coloring!
22. Februar 2012 um 21:18[…] girls i saw a nice mission on the blogs of Lili and Katha and felt like i needed to join it ’cause i’ve to say i’m […]
23. Februar 2012 um 10:56YAY! ich freue mich, dass du dabei bist 🙂 Und wie ich sehe, bin ich nicht die einzige die total schöne Sachen ungetragen im Schrank rumhängen lässt… das macht Mut 😉 Ich bin gespannt wie du sie stylst!
23. Februar 2012 um 13:27hihi, wie witzig. ich habe gerade eben in der sbahn ein mädchen gesehen, dass ein weißes kleid mit schwarzer strumpfhose und flachen schwarzen stiefeletten anhatte, das sah so unfassbar gut aus, dass ich seitdem überlege wo ich schnell so schuhe und ein schönes weißes kleid herkrieg. (eine gerad geklaute stylingidee fürs weiße kleid.) 🙂
23. Februar 2012 um 17:56Ooh! This is a really good challenge. I’m going to try it!
23. Februar 2012 um 22:57I have that dress (the H&M one) on pink and grey, and I seem to wear them only around the house or as nightshirts. Bad me.
This challenge is a good one though, I need to try something like this too.
26. Februar 2012 um 20:02[…] pose! :] Simple outfit, simple post – I wore the next one of my closet orphans on sunday to a late breakfast date with Sven. We had a coupon and it was the last day to use it. […]
09. Dezember 2012 um 11:12[…] wore the first of my closet orphans for Sven’s birthday party yesterday. He turned 23 and we celebrated his birthday with lots of […]
09. Dezember 2012 um 11:12[…] final one of my closet orphans is this blazer. It took me a while to figure out an outfit that I felt ok about…. and even […]
30. Dezember 2012 um 22:12[…] so we celebrated Valentine’s Day {What I Wore} some days later. … I took part in the Mission: Save the Closet Orphans and wore some items that didn’t get the wear they deserved: A purple dress & a […]
25. Januar 2013 um 07:54