Hey lovely readers! Today is the start of my guest post series „Goodbye Summer – Hello Autumn“. Lovely Malene of
Piece of my Mind will write about some of the things she loves about autumn and hopefully you’ll find some things to look forward to, too.
On her blog, Malene posts about (plus size) fashion, her daily outfits, her travels and her everyday life. Take a look and say hi for me! 🙂
Hey meine Lieben! Heute startet meine Gastpost-Reihe „Goodbye Summer – Hello Autumn“. Den Anfang macht die liebe Malene von Piece of my Mind. Sie wird euch mit euch ein paar Dinge teilen, die sie am Herbst mag, und ich hoffe, ihr findet dann auch etwas, auf das ihr euch freuen könnt. Da Malene auf englisch bloggt, gibt es heute mal keine Übersetzung… aber ich denke, auch durch die Bilder wird einiges klar 😉
In ihrem Blog schreibt Malene über (Plus Size) Fashion, ihre Outfits des Tages, Reisen und ihren Alltag. Schaut doch mal vorbei und grüßt sie von mir! 🙂

I was beyond excited when Katha asked me to do a guest post for her blog and said yes right away. As we’re about to say the final goodbye to this year’s summer and a nice hello to fall, I decided to write about the things I’m looking forward to this fall.
When it’s windy, cold and rainy outside we might as well enjoy the time inside! Cosy up by the candlelight and let love and romance spread out into every corner of the room. The word on the pink paper is the Danish word for “Love” and I think fall is the perfect time to let love grow; candlelights, cosy blankets, perfect days and nights for moviemarathons. What’s not to like?
Now we’re talking about grey weather. It’s perfect weather for movienights, but it’s also perfect weather for “I’ll just stay inside and read all day”-days. I love reading when it’s summer too, but let’s face it; it’s just more tempting to stay in the sun and discover new places. The question is what to read? I’ll be reading a lot of study related literature, but if I get the time I’ll get my nose into the Danish version of Bridget Jones’ Diary or Ken Follett.
On a rainy day this is close to pure perfection. If you need more inspiration for your fall reading I’m swept away by Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner” and “A Thousand Splendid Suns” and if you haven’t been there yet – go get them! And read them. Now! Also I’m in love with Ken Follett’s “Pillars of the Earth” and I can’t wait to get started on “World Without End”. And yes; the book I’m reading is called “Being Danish”. Like I don’t know how that goes. And yes; I’m reading anthropological literature for fun. I’m a nerd that way.
And what goes better with rainy days, books and blankets than hot drinks? When it comes to fall you better not run out of tea! I’m sure I won’t looking at the picture above. However I will have to stack up on that David Rio Mango Chai. It is so addictive!
And speaking of addictive! Fall is also the season for hot chocolate. We don’t usually put marshmallows on top here, but it’s so worth the try!
Even though I loved the colours of summer and pretty much lived in electric blue, I can’t wait to wear the lovely colours of fall! This year I’m especially crazy about the burned yellow.
And the burgundy red.
And the fact that it is once again perfectly legit (and not too hot!) to wear black all the time!
A new season is perfect for starting new projects. I’m planning on cleaning out my closet (I swear it’s almost bursting) and getting started on “Wreck This Journal”. We’re talking about ripping up pages, drawing funny things and sewing in buttons. No matter what projects you’re thinking about getting started – now is the perfect time!
All summer some of my favourite things have been hiding away, banished from my everyday closet because it’s simply too hot. Scarfs being one of them. I love, love, love scarfs and I can’t wait to get them out and use them in outfits again. They offer such a great way to put the cherry on the cake when it comes to clothing. This fall I think I’ll rock the yellow, blue, black and multicoloured scarfs.
I can’t wait to get to wear hats again either. I fell in love with this one last year and I’m dying to wear it again. It feels so good to have great basic things in your wardrobe that you really look forward to wearing again. This fall I’ll be looking for new hats to add to my small collection.
As long as it’s not too cold outside (and let’s hope it won’t be until winter), you don’t have to cover up your pretty hands in gloves. And as long as the gloves are on the shelves you might as well flash your lovely nails dressed in all the lovely fall coloured nail polishes. Some of my favourite polishes have been waiting for me all summer – and now I’m looking so much forward to using them again. If I hadn’t promised myself and my boyfriend not to buy more nail polish this year (slightly addictive here) I would definitely update my collection with some holographic glitter.
And it’s not just your wardrobe and nails that are changing it’s colour. Nature is too! And it is beautiful. It is one of my all time favourite things of fall. And one of my favourite times of year as well. I love walking around seeing the world changing into red, yellow, orange and brown.
I hope you all have the most wonderful fall!

Thank you for this fantastic post, Malene! Now I can’t wait for autumn to start… 🙂
Danke für den tollen Gastpost, Malene! Nun kann ich den Herbst kaum erwarten… 🙂
[I’m on vacation right now. You can follow along
on Instagram if you’d like!
Im Moment bin ich im Urlaub. Wenn ihr mögt, könnt ihr ein bisschen davon bei Instagram mitbekommen!]
11 Kommentare
Toller Post, habe ich mit Vergnügen gelesen 🙂 Gibts den Tee (David Rio Mango Chai) auch in normalen Läden zu kaufen? Weißt du das vielleicht? 🙂
11. September 2012 um 11:14Hello Joanna!
I would love to answer you in German, but it’s just too rusty – I’m sorry! I don’t know where to by it in „normal shops“ in Germany, but I saw it (super cheap compared to the Danish prices…) in KaDeWe when I was in Berlin. I hope that’s somehow helpful.
11. September 2012 um 22:02from the author, Malene and thank you so much for your kind words!
Schön, dass er dir gefällt!
16. September 2012 um 10:24Ich weiß das nicht, tut mir Leid! 🙁 Aber ich werde auch mal danach suchen, klingt toll!
I love those candle holder! and all that tea!!! I live in a tropical place, so, there isn’t a fall here, so, i am just soaking up in everyone else’s fall!
11. September 2012 um 15:21Looks like there’s someone else out there really addicted to tea. 😉 Great thoughts and ideas!
11. September 2012 um 17:08Wow, toller Post! Ich liebe es auch mich im Herbst mit einem Buch und einer heißen Schoko oder Tee zuhause einzumümmeln!
Für Projekte bin ich im Herbst allerdings eher weniger zu haben.
Viele Grüße,
11. September 2012 um 20:27Miss Sugar Shack
Ohhh, das erste mal das ich mich auf den Herbst freue 😉
Liebe Grüße,
11. September 2012 um 22:29Jenny
All of my favorite parts of fall/winter… candles, cuddles, and movies 🙂 Cute post!
12. September 2012 um 14:37Hot chocolate without marshmallows?! Treason!
I love how specifically European you look! Gorgeous.
12. September 2012 um 17:49Usually we have whipped cream with our hot chocolate in Denmark. 😉
And now I can’t stop wondering; what’s so European about me?
Thank you for your comment.
12. September 2012 um 22:47Whats the name from the book „being danish“? Can´t read it. But I will :))
Beautiful post, mange tak Marlene!!
15. September 2012 um 18:52