Hey and welcome to my blog!
I love reading blogs and getting inspired by so many different persons from all over the world… and I started to think that I want to participate in this blogging-world. So here I am, trying to create something other people want to read.
For now, I’ve decided to blog about different things that I like to see on other blogs: recipes, outfits, and photos I took.
I hope you enjoy!
By the way, you can read more about me and this blog here.

liebt Schokolade, Sven & süße Kleider, lebt in Ludwigsburg und bloggt seit 2011 auf kathastrophal.de über Plus Size Mode, DIY, Nähen, Backen, Reisen, Familie & mehr. und sonst so?
2 Kommentare
19. September 2011 um 23:39<3
20. September 2011 um 08:04