Weekend Recap & Links I Loved – Week #03/2012

In uncategorized
am 23. Januar 2012

We didn’t do much this weekend, but were tired all the time… I can’t sleep well recently. Everyone I talked to told me the same thing – weird. So when we weren’t busy complaining about our tiredness, we had some adventures in the kitchen. I wanted to eat bread dumplings since my flatmate had some last week, so Sven and I created a dinner around that on staturday. On sunday, we tried my newest prized posession: my lovely flatmate gave me a kit to make my own chocolate bars for christmas! We made some with caramel and peanuts – soooo good! And Sunday evening, we met some friends for karaoke, which has become my favourite hobby. I rediscovered that I’m really attracted to guys who can’t sing 😀 Are you on Instagram, too? I’m kathastrophal, let’s be friends :]
made this DIY doily candle holders // chicken with bread dumplings & peas melted chocolate to make chocolate bars // Singstar with one of my best friends ♥

Links I loved
♥ Lili shows us why blogs are better than lady mags – I completely agree! [Relatable Style] ♥ I LOVE breakfast & lovelovelove these stunning photographs [magnoliaelectric] ♥ Plus size fashion retailers, read this list! Show us something different! [Pocket Rocket Fashion] ♥ I want to live somewhere with a chevron rug like this! [IKEA Hackers] ♥ I adore the shape her cardigan creates. Plus, such a cute blog idea! [Delayed Missives] ♥ How adorable is this nautical manicure?! [The Beauty Department]
I hope your weekend was a great one!

4 Kommentare

  • Anonym

    Vielen Dank für die Link Love! 😀 *froi*

    24. Januar 2012 um 01:47 Antworten
  • SkippySays

    Sounds like de-licious weekend! And I haven’t been sleeping well recently either- weird!

    24. Januar 2012 um 17:35 Antworten
  • lorena

    Your food looks so good it’s made me HUNGRY 🙂

    24. Januar 2012 um 18:34 Antworten
  • Alex Elizabeth

    Hey Katha, thanks for the shoutout! I’m following you on instagram now 🙂

    24. Januar 2012 um 21:14 Antworten
  • Antworten

    Schon gelesen?